Sunday, 28 April 2013

Lesson Plan to promote descriptive writing.

TEACHER’S NAME                         :          SAMI UL HAQ
CLASS                                            :          10TH
NO OF STUDENTS                         :       20
SUBJECT                                        :          ENGLISH
TOPIC                                              :          DESCRIPTIVE WRITING
DURATION                                      :          30 MINUTES
SCHOOL                                          :          GHS KAMRA VILLAGE

Descriptive writing   

General goals
Students will learn how to write.

Specific objectives
Students will write a descriptive paragraph with a focus on sensory details.

Required materials
(i)        Pictures
(i)                Examples
(ii)             White board+pin

(i) Pen and papers

Previous knowledge
Teacher will ask from students about their knowledge regarding how to write.

(i)                Audio visual method
(ii)       Audio lingual method

(i)                Arising expectation )To tell students about the need of writing and its advantages so that they may become ready for the lesson)
(ii)             Teacher will introduce topic of the lesson they are going to learn.

Student’s become active
  Announcement of topic
Teacher will announce topic.(To teach students how to write descriptively)

Teacher will start teaching to students as how to write descriptively, he is to introduce types of writing (I) Narrative writing (ii) Descriptive writing.
He is to also introduce objective writing and subjective writing.
(i)                Writing which includes describing objective and real facts or things which can not be changed but are stated explicitly.
(ii)             Writing which includes personal feeling  , opinion and views are called as subjective writing.
(iii)           Narrative writing includes narration of an event or story.
(iv)          Descriptive writing includes describing an event or picture or an incident it is also called showy writing it is a type of picturing in readers mind through the help of words.
In presentation teacher can show a picture and to ask students to write in response to this picture.
Teacher will guide students in following three ways.
(i)                Controlled writing
(ii)             Guided writing
(iii)           Free writing
Students will start writing and learning how to write descriptively.
Teacher will compare narrative and descriptive writing.
Students will differentiate between these two types .
Teacher will instruct class to listen and perform task then he/she display a picture in front of class afterwards will ask them  to describe this picture objective and subjectively in your own words.
Student’s will start writing descriptively. Teacher may interfere where it is necessary.
Teacher will rewind what he /she already had taught.
Students will re organize if they wrongly understood.
Home task/
Teacher will allot student’s with home work to write about some thing.
Students will note and write as they are advised.

Tutors Remarks if any:-

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