Friday, 1 August 2014

Arms and the Man book review

Arms and the Man,
by George Bernard Shaw(1894) Avenue Theatre
Book Review by
Sami Ul Haq
Lahore Leads University Lahore

Arms and the man a drama by George Bernard Shaw(1894) Avenue Theatre[1]  the author presented realities behind the foolish ideas of  pretty and honorable war. The effect of his message lost immediately as his comedy was followed soon by First World War[2] .
Victorian age was a period of self-satisfaction whereas age of Shaw 1890’s was a period of anxiety, disgust and frustration. With the arrival of Marxism and Materialism- man’s attitude towards religion also underwent change. The sway of reason was held high due to revolt against authority; temper got anti heroic. Shaw was a rebel and iconoclast like Shelley “Arms and the Man” is a comedy by George Bernard Shaw that took place in 1885 during the Serb Bulgarian war. The title is taken from Dryden’s first line of Virgil’s Aenied (Arma Virumque Cano) [3]. The play is in three acts. The  theme is that of War and Love, we can also interpret it as passion and reason or passion and common sense.
Shaw exposes what he calls the amateurism of the glory hunting soldier through the attitude of Swiss mercenary, a professional who is in the business not for the sake of patriotism but as a job.  (Adam, 1996).
Captain Bluntschli said about Sergius that he is to be court martialled because:-
“Is it professional to throw a regiment of the cavalry on the battery of machineguns? with the dead certainty that if the guns go off not a horse or a man will ever get with in fifty yards of the fire.”
In this play romanticism and professionalism are side by side. G B Shaw was great in style and stagecraft, he was master of natural, vigorous and modern English, his language natural without being neither casual nor pedantic, his prose is like ordinary direct man to man speech.
The scene of drama opens in a lady’s bed chamber in Bulgaria in a small town near the Dragoman pass, late in November, 1985. Through an open window a peak of the Balkans Snowy white, beautiful is visible. The room is lighted by candle light. A young lady in a night gown on the balcony is gazing at the snowy Balkans. Catherine enters with good news that at Silvnitza[4] a great battle was fought, won by sergius who is the hero of the hour, they both were happy and frantically kissed each other. Raina[5] was deeply in love with sergius.
Actually Sergius defied the Russian commander, acted without orders, and made the charge on his own responsibility, the Serbs and Austrians defeated , Raina was happy about Sergius. Louka enters by saying that Serbs are chased therefore  window and shutters be closed Raina forget to do that, resultantly a man entered in her bedroom and started threatening her not to raise her voice and give him shelter, Raina agrees to that . There Bluntschli spends night during which he discussed war and soldering, Raina in turn becomes sympathetic towards him. He throws revolver and exchange it with Raina’s clock, which he thinks better than revolver. He revealed that he carry chocolate instead of cartridges to war. He narrated battle scene, how chivalry was used against battery, but when he discovered the situation he becomes apologetic.
In act two Major Sergius was talking about war in garden with Petkoff’s family he tells Catherine that soldering:-
“Is the cowards art of attacking mercilessly when you are strong , and keeping out of harm’s way when you are weak, this is the whole secret of successful fighting.”
Bluntschli arrived, cleaned, brushed and uniformed to offer thanks and to return the coat which he had taken. Bluntschli was welcomed as he was no enemy after signing peace treaty.
In act three Bluntschli prepares draft and Sergius signed it for sending troops somewhere. Sergius blamed Raina for making love with Bluntschli, although he himself was flirting with Louka ,after sergius married Louka, Blunschli become suiter for Raina and it was accepted without objection. Theme of “Arms and the Man” is war and love but here enemy is hosted in enemy’s house without knowing, this is full of humor and lough specially “Choclate Cream soldier” when he was saying to Raina:-
“I’ve no ammunition, what are cartridges in battle? I always carry Chocolate instead; and I finished the last cake of that hour’s ago.”
 Bernard Shaw said, his plays were “Sui Generis”[6] they are neither tragedied nor comedies nor tragicomedies. The same play is humorous and serious(Archibald Henderson, 2004). He was strong hatred of respectability; his Marxism[7] reading attracted him towards Socialism. G B Shaw in a Preface to Buoyant Billians[8] says:-
“when I write a play I do not  foresee nor intend a page of it from one end to other; the play writes itself.” (Shaw, Buoyant Billions, 1946-48)
His plots are loose and realistic, his stories dwindle in to mere situations and episodes he was the great creator of characters, in this regard he is compared to Shakespeare and Dickens, as Scott James  says about him:-
“After Shakespeare no English dramatist equals Shaw in the variety and vividness of his characters , though he lacks almost entirely that interest in the individual which is one of Shakespaere’s quality.” (James, 1932)
George Bernard Shaw was born at 3 upper Synge Street Dublin on July 26,1856. He was the only son of George Carr Shaw and Lucinda Elizabeth Gurley. Miss Caroline Hill was his private Tutor in 1879 he started working in a telephone company, become member of Zetetical Society , fell in love with several women and have affairs with them , married to Charlotte Francis Payne Twnshed in 1926he was awarded Nobel Prize , died on November 2, 1943 because of a broken leg and kidney trouble.
In “Arms and the Man” he presented to the audience realities behind the foolish ideas of clean pretty and honorable war. A British film adaptation was directed in 1932 by Cecil Lewis.
One can enjoy the full humor and comedy in each of the character, in fact every sight of this drama is worth witnessing and every word worth readable , one can really enjoy reading of “Arms and the Man’.

References and bibliography
Frezza,Danial,2007 ”About the play wright ; George Bernard Shaw”
Haus ,Robert Tanitch, (2007),London Stage in the 20th Century.
Shaw, George Bernard (1911), in Encyclopædia Britannica, (11th ed).
Ruth Adam(1966 ),What Shaw really said, Macdonald & Co
Malik, Munawar Ali (2013),George Bernard Shaw : Arms and the Man New Kitab Mahal

[1] Theater, located at 417 E. 17th Avenue in Downtown Denver,co USA
[2] A global war centred in Europe that began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918
[3] Of arms and the man I sing
[4] Slivnitsa is a town in western Bulgaria, 22 km away from Sofia, lying on the main road connecting the capital with the Bulgarian-Serbian border.
[5] Heroine of the play
[6] a Latin phrase, meaning "of its own kind/genus" and hence "unique in its characteristics".
[7] Theories of Karl Marx
[8] A Comedy of No Manners in Prose

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