Monday, 20 October 2014

Characters of Clytemnestra and Electra in Orestes trilogy : Presentation Transcript

Presentation points

Characters of Clytemnestra and Electra in Orestes trilogy Presentation Transcript

  • 2.  According to Greek she was the most beautiful lady of the world.  She is the wife of Menelaus.  Her abduction by Paris results in Trojan war last for 10 years.  Troy was in modern day Turkey.
  • 3. Wife of Thyndareus Zeus appeared in form of Swan to her.  Their meeting resulted in two eggs.
  • 4. From first egg:  Castor  Clytemnestra Second egg:  Helen  Polydeuces m
  • 5.  He advocates the importance of male in society .  This superiority is throughout Trilogy and specially in “The Furies”  He is of the point of view that intelligence and wit while exalted in men are threatening characteristics in women.
  • 6.  Agamemnon  Clytemnestra  Watch man  Herald  Messenger  Aegisthus  Soldiers  Servants (Door keeper)  Elders of Argos (Chorus)  Slave women (Chorus  Orestes  Electra  Servant  Pylades (Friend of Orestes and son of the king of Phoces)  Cilissa (Who nursed Orestes)  Erynies  Priestes  Apollo  Ghost of Clytemnestra  Athna  Athnian citizens
  • 7. Clytemnestra breaks tradition where as Electra preserves the status quo.
  • 8.  Aeschylus presented her in Agamemnon as a simple women obsessed with the thought of loss of her daughter.  He shows her as neither too bad nor too good.  She is consumed with the thoughts of revenge.  She displays more intelligence than others, the way she manipulates the events leading up to Agamemnon’s execution.
  • 9. “Spoke like a man, my lady, loyal , full of self command” (Aeschylus 116)
  • 10.  She has been having an open affair with Aegisthus.  Chorus condemn her this act with Aegisthus although it was a normal practice for men in those days to have many extramarital affairs. In this way Aeschylus condemn double standard.  She is the protagonist of the play.  It was she who spark a debate between Apollo an Furies ,weather matricide was just.
  • 11.  Agamemnon and Clytemnestra before marriage.(Euripides)  Agamemnon kill Tyndarus(Clytemnes tra’s husband).  He raped Clytemnestra and forced into marriage.  Clytemnestra welcome her husband.
  • 12.  She made a system of bacons (Watchman)  She want to know first that Trojan war is finished.  She persuaded Agamemnon to walk upon the sacred tapestries which would incur the god’s wrath.
  • 13.  She lies Electra that it was Cassandra to push her kill Agamemnon.  She exiles Orestes to secure her position as queen.  She reduce Electra to serventitude.  She is having no room for maternal feelings.
  • 14.  She kill her husband to avenge the death of Iphigenia.  Aeschylus Clytemnestra is ruthless and manipulative.  Homer’s Clytemnestra weak and submissive.
  • 15.  Sigmund Freud  Carl Jung  Electra complex  Psychosexual  Electra complex in literature  Sylvia Plath poem “Daddy”  Stages  Oral  Anal  Phallic (3-6 years0  Latent  Genetal
  • 16.  She loses her father and brother.  She also loses the only family she ever had (her mother) as she became a wife to Aegisthus.  She is also reduced to serventitude by her mother.  She also is obsessed with thoughts of revenge (Justice to be done).  She victimizes Clytemnestra.
  • 17.  Her love turned into hatred after the sacrifice of Iphigenia.  Clytemnestra was obsessed with thoughts about loss of her daughter.  She succeeded in her revenge by killing her husband.  She was not having any maternal feelings Electra and Orestes.  She possesses manly qualities.  She exiles Orestes to secure her position.  She reduced Electra to serventitude.  She was having an open affair with Aegisthus.  Much persuasive.  Antagonist of the play.  Breaker of traditions.  Ruthless and manipuative.
  • 18.  She is also obsessed with thought to avange the death of her father.  She loses father , brother and finally her mother.  She also is succeeds in her mission.  She is faithful to her father.  She is the preserver of status quo.

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