Presentation points
Characters of Clytemnestra and Electra in Orestes trilogy
- 2. According to Greek she was the most beautiful lady of the world. She is the wife of Menelaus. Her abduction by Paris results in Trojan war last for 10 years. Troy was in modern day Turkey.
- 3. Wife of Thyndareus Zeus appeared in form of Swan to her. Their meeting resulted in two eggs.
- 4. From first egg: Castor Clytemnestra Second egg: Helen Polydeuces m
- 5. He advocates the importance of male in society . This superiority is throughout Trilogy and specially in “The Furies” He is of the point of view that intelligence and wit while exalted in men are threatening characteristics in women.
- 6. Agamemnon Clytemnestra Watch man Herald Messenger Aegisthus Soldiers Servants (Door keeper) Elders of Argos (Chorus) Slave women (Chorus Orestes Electra Servant Pylades (Friend of Orestes and son of the king of Phoces) Cilissa (Who nursed Orestes) Erynies Priestes Apollo Ghost of Clytemnestra Athna Athnian citizens
- 7. Clytemnestra breaks tradition where as Electra preserves the status quo.
- 8. Aeschylus presented her in Agamemnon as a simple women obsessed with the thought of loss of her daughter. He shows her as neither too bad nor too good. She is consumed with the thoughts of revenge. She displays more intelligence than others, the way she manipulates the events leading up to Agamemnon’s execution.
- 9. “Spoke like a man, my lady, loyal , full of self command” (Aeschylus 116)
- 10. She has been having an open affair with Aegisthus. Chorus condemn her this act with Aegisthus although it was a normal practice for men in those days to have many extramarital affairs. In this way Aeschylus condemn double standard. She is the protagonist of the play. It was she who spark a debate between Apollo an Furies ,weather matricide was just.
- 11. Agamemnon and Clytemnestra before marriage.(Euripides) Agamemnon kill Tyndarus(Clytemnes tra’s husband). He raped Clytemnestra and forced into marriage. Clytemnestra welcome her husband.
- 12. She made a system of bacons (Watchman) She want to know first that Trojan war is finished. She persuaded Agamemnon to walk upon the sacred tapestries which would incur the god’s wrath.
- 13. She lies Electra that it was Cassandra to push her kill Agamemnon. She exiles Orestes to secure her position as queen. She reduce Electra to serventitude. She is having no room for maternal feelings.
- 14. She kill her husband to avenge the death of Iphigenia. Aeschylus Clytemnestra is ruthless and manipulative. Homer’s Clytemnestra weak and submissive.
- 15. Sigmund Freud Carl Jung Electra complex Psychosexual Electra complex in literature Sylvia Plath poem “Daddy” Stages Oral Anal Phallic (3-6 years0 Latent Genetal
- 16. She loses her father and brother. She also loses the only family she ever had (her mother) as she became a wife to Aegisthus. She is also reduced to serventitude by her mother. She also is obsessed with thoughts of revenge (Justice to be done). She victimizes Clytemnestra.
- 17. Her love turned into hatred after the sacrifice of Iphigenia. Clytemnestra was obsessed with thoughts about loss of her daughter. She succeeded in her revenge by killing her husband. She was not having any maternal feelings Electra and Orestes. She possesses manly qualities. She exiles Orestes to secure her position. She reduced Electra to serventitude. She was having an open affair with Aegisthus. Much persuasive. Antagonist of the play. Breaker of traditions. Ruthless and manipuative.
- 18. She is also obsessed with thought to avange the death of her father. She loses father , brother and finally her mother. She also is succeeds in her mission. She is faithful to her father. She is the preserver of status quo.
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